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Six black and white cartoons of various columnists. There are three columnists on the top and three on the bottom. All are smiling or smirking.

Announcing the ‘Prince’ Opinion section’s fall 2024 columnists

This fall, the ‘Prince’ is running six columns every two or three weeks, ranging in focus from town politics to progressive change for Princeton to the University’s traditional values.

This fall, the ‘Prince’ is running six columns every two or three weeks, ranging in focus from town politics to progressive change for Princeton to the University’s traditional values.

OPINION | September 8

Bright day in courtyard. Someone in orange shirt standing atop stone speaking to crowd on the left.

Princeton is more than prestige and aesthetics. The pre-frosh experience must reflect that.

From the acceptance letter to Princeton Preview, perhaps Princeton is too removed in the way it treats its pre-frosh and too reliant on visuals and prestige during the period after Ivy Day. Princeton should prioritize efforts to connect with prospective students in written communication and work on making Princeton Preview more socially and intellectually engaging.

From the acceptance letter to Preview Days, perhaps Princeton is too removed in the way it treats its pre-frosh and too reliant on visuals and prestige during the period after Ivy Day. Princeton should prioritize efforts to connect with prospective students in written communication and work on making Preview Days more socially and intellectually engaging.

OPINION | September 4

Students gather on a lawn in front of a Tudor Gothic style building on a sunny day. Most students are sitting on a picnic blankets with a few standing.

By erasing Hamas and the Oct. 7 attacks, PIAD’s proposal is unproductive and deeply unsettling

“But the PIAD proposal gives no indication as to how boycotting or divesting from Israel will lead to a better future for Palestinians, because it never addresses what that future will actually look like.”

“But the PIAD proposal gives no indication as to how boycotting or divesting from Israel will lead to a better future for Palestinians, because it never addresses what that future will actually look like.”

OPINION | September 4

A long, blank, aisle with a white tile floor is the focus of the center of this photo, with a small black stool midway. Multicolored books in a blur line the sides.

Princeton, turn construction efforts to our education

“It’s too easy to leave Princeton without the transcendent liberal arts education that the University extols when the only intellectual guidance comes in the form of general platitudes and an inconstant and inadequate advising system.”

"It’s too easy to leave Princeton without the transcendent liberal arts education that the University extols when the only intellectual guidance comes in the form of general platitudes and an inconstant and inadequate advising system."

OPINION | September 3

Several shelves with flyers and pamphlets advertising civic service.

In the service of gentrification: How my summer housing worsened racial displacement in NYC

Undergraduate service interns, their host organizations, and the University need to construct summer opportunities that do not disenfranchise vulnerable communities, especially those to whom their service internship is targeted.

Undergraduate service interns, their host organizations, and the University need to construct summer opportunities that do not disenfranchise vulnerable communities, especially those to whom their service internship is targeted.

OPINION | September 2


In defense of gray masses: a love letter to Princeton’s contemporary architecture

“Princeton's contemporary buildings don't “look like” anything else on campus — that’s the point. Our housing need not be imitative, it can boldly put forward a new thesis about the nature of communities.”

"Princeton's contemporary buildings don't “look like” anything else — that’s the point. Our housing need not be imitative, it can boldly put forward a new thesis about the nature of communities."

OPINION | August 18

People in keffiyehs stand and sit at a protest rally on a sunny lawn.

Our memory of the Popular University for Gaza teaches us how to reimagine the university

“In moments like these, we created interfaith solidarity, as well as solidarity between students and surrounding communities that far exceed anything accomplished by any formal University initiative ostensibly aimed at these goals.”

“In moments like these, we created interfaith solidarity, as well as solidarity between students and surrounding communities that far exceed anything accomplished by any formal University initiative ostensibly aimed at these goals.”

OPINION | June 2

A building with columns sits behind several groups of people sitting on the ground.

Calls for VP Calhoun's resignation mislead on free expression

“In joining a letter so firmly based on a questionable factual narrative, some 10 percent of Princeton faculty have rushed to condemn Vice President Calhoun for a “lie” and to demand her ouster.”

“In joining a letter so firmly based on a questionable factual narrative, some 10 percent of Princeton faculty have rushed to condemn Vice President Calhoun for a “lie” and to demand her ouster.”

OPINION | May 16

A tree with a sign attached that reads "the aunties and uncles and cousins of greater Princeton give us life." On the same sign is a crocheted blanket with a peace symbol. In the background, people are walking around a green lawn strewn with blankets and tarps.

­Deciding disciplinary matters by popular vote of the faculty sets a harmful precedent

"In short, fairness demands that all members of the Princeton community be subject to a common set of rules and procedures. We are all meant to be granted equal protection under these rules. Our established procedures for disciplinary matters do not call for a full faculty vote."

"In short, fairness demands that all members of the Princeton community be subject to a common set of rules and procedures. We are all meant to be granted equal protection under these rules. Our established procedures for disciplinary matters do not call for a full faculty vote."

OPINION | May 16

A group of protestors stand in front of a fountain

Princeton, practice what you preach: SPIA graduate students on protest and dialogue

"As policy students, we are appalled by the blatant hypocrisy of the University administration, which has relied on fear-mongering and false narratives to discredit student protestors. We are increasingly disillusioned with the dissonance of what we are taught in our classrooms and the University’s actions."

"As policy students, we are appalled by the blatant hypocrisy of the University administration, which has relied on fear-mongering and false narratives to discredit student protestors. We are increasingly disillusioned with the dissonance of what we are taught in our classrooms and the University’s actions."

OPINION | May 13